Call us +31 (0)412 646 974

Proofload Waterbags

Proofload offers highly qualified Engineers to assist the customer during the load test. Due to the Engineers long term experiance, problems during building up the load test equipment can be avoided.

Proofload Services

Proofload Waterbags

Life Boat Bags &
Free Fall Life Boat Bags

Gangway Test Bags

Load Measuring Equipment
& Load Monitoring Equipment

We like to
hear from you

If you have any questions, you want to make an appointment or request a quote please contact us. We like to hear from you.

PROOFLOAD (Services) B.V.

Visiting address
Hoogheuvelstraat 113
5349 AM OSS
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)412 646974
Fax: +31 (0)412 652340

VAT/BTW No: NL80.24.82.119.B01
CoC/KvK No: 16072936
Design & Realisation:
Regenmakers Reclamestudio